Infractions Plugin

The infractions plugin provides a set of useful moderator commands. These commands are intended to be used together and help handle/track misbehaving users over time.


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!warn {user} [reason]Adds a warning infraction to a userModerator!warn 351776065477279745 1st warning, spamming emoji OR !warn @Speedboat#9599 2nd warning, going off-topic
!mute {user} [reason]Mutes a user. This will only work if mute_role is set in the configModerator!mute 351776065477279745 spamming OR !tempmute @Speedboat#9599 60m spamming
!unmute {user}Unmutes a userModerator!unmute 351776065477279745
!tempmute {user} {duration} [reason]Temporarily mutes a user. Will only work if mute_role is set in the configModerator!tempmute 351776065477279745 30m spamming OR !tempmute @Speedboat#9599 30m spamming
!kick {user} [reason]Kicks the user from the serverModerator!kick 351776065477279745 spamming OR !kick @Speedboat#9599 spamming
!mkick {users] -r [reason]Kicks multiple users from the serverModerator!mkick 351776065477279745 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r spamming
!mban {users] -r [reason]Bans multiple users from the serverModerator!mban 351776065477279745 80351110224678912 108598213681922048 -r spamming
!ban {user} [reason]Bans a user from the serverModerator!ban 351776065477279745 spamming OR !ban @Speedboat#9599 spamming
!unban {user} [reason]Unbans a userModerator!unban 351776065477279745
!forceban {User ID} [reason]Force bans a user who is not currently in the serverModerator!forceban 351776065477279745 spamming
!softban {user} [reason]Softbans (bans/unbans) a user and deletes the user's messages sent within the last 7 daysModerator!softban 351776065477279745 spamming OR !softban @Speedboat#9599 spamming
!tempban {user} {duration} [reason]Temporarily bans a userModerator!tempban 351776065477279745 5h spamming OR !tempban @Speedboat#9599 5h spamming
!inf archiveCreates a CSV file of all infractions on the serverAdministrator!inf archive
!inf search {query}Searches infractions database for given queryModerator!inf search 351776065477279745 OR !inf search Speedboat#9599 OR !inf search spamming
!inf info {inf#}Presents information on the given infractionModerator!inf info 1274
!inf duration {inf#} {duration}Updates the duration of the given infraction. Duration starts from time of initial actionModerator!inf duration 1274 5h
!inf reason {inf#} {reason}Updates the reason of a given infractionModerator!inf reason 1274 rude behaviour towards staff

Configuration Options

confirm_actionsWhether to confirm that an action was done in the current channelbooltrue
confirm_actions_reactionWhether to confirm actions done in the channel using a checkmark reactionboolfalse
confirm_actions_expiryThe duration after which to delete the confirmed action message. If zero the message will never be deletedint0
mute_roleRole ID that is set for users who are mutedidnone
reason_edit_levelMinimum level to allow users to edit other users' infraction reasonsint100

Configuration Example

    confirm_actions: false
    mute_role: 289494296703533058
    reason_edit_level: 50