Level plugin

The level plugin provides xp to your users as they speak in chat!


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!xp [user]Checks your own, or another user's XP and levelDefault!xp OR !xp @ZeroMomentum
!xp block {user}Blocks a user from gaining XPModerator!xp block 435206857276260353 OR !xp block @ZeroMomentum
!xp unblock {user}Removes a user's XP blockModerator!xp unblock 435206857276260353 OR !xp unblock @ZeroMomentum
!xp give {user} {amount}Gives a user {amount} amount of XPAdmin!xp give @ZeroMomentum 1234 OR !xp give 435206857276260353 1234
!xp take {user} {amount}Take {amount} XP from the userAdmin!xp take @ZeroMomentum 1234 OR !xp take 435206857276260353 1234
!xp reset {user}Completely removes a user's XP and sets it to 0Admin!xp reset @ZeroMomentum OR !xp reset 435206857276260353
!xp top/leaderboard [places] [offset]Shows the top 10 users of the leaderboard, using [places] instead of 10 if specified. If [offset] is specified, the leaderboard starts from [offset] instead of 1st place.Default!xp top, !xp top 25 10 (shows the top 10-25)

Configuration Options

messageWhether to send the level up message in Direct Messagesboolfalse
chatWhether to send the level up message in the channel they leveled up inbooltrue
rolesMapping of levels: role_ids to give users when they reach a certain leveldictempty

Configuration Example

  message: false
  chat: true
    5: 786653299268780083
    10: 791942837461581824