Utility Plugin

The utility plugin provides a number of useful and fun commands


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!catReturns a random image of a catDefault!cat
!emoji {emoji}Returns information on the given emojiDefault!emoji :smiley:
!info {user}Returns information on the given userDefault!info 351776065477279745 OR !info @Speedboat#9599
!jumbo {emojis}Returns 128x128px images of the given emojiDefault!jumbo :cat: :dog: :rabbit:
!random coinFlips a coin and returns the resultDefault!random coin
!random number [end number] [start number]Returns a random number from 0-10 or in a range if specifiedDefault!random number OR !random number 50 20
!r add {duration} {content} OR !remind {duration} {content}Adds a reminder. Bot will mention the user after the specified duration with the given messageDefault!r add 24h update announcements OR !remind 24h update announcements
!r clearClears all of the user's remindersDefault!r clear
!search {query}Searches for usernames that match given queryDefault!search b1nzy
!seen {user}Returns the timestamp of when the bot last saw a message from given userDefault!seen 351776065477279745 OR !seen @Speedboat#9599
!server [guild]Returns information on the current server or the Server ID if givenDefault!server OR !server 290923757399310337

Configuration Example

utilities: {}

That's it. Simply enable the plugin. There is no further configuration for this plugin.