Utility Plugin
The utility plugin provides a number of useful and fun commands
Name | Description | Default Level | Usage |
!cat | Returns a random image of a cat | Default | !cat |
!emoji {emoji} | Returns information on the given emoji | Default | !emoji :smiley: |
!info {user} | Returns information on the given user | Default | !info 351776065477279745 OR !info @Speedboat#9599 |
!jumbo {emojis} | Returns 128x128px images of the given emoji | Default | !jumbo :cat: :dog: :rabbit: |
!random coin | Flips a coin and returns the result | Default | !random coin |
!random number [end number] [start number] | Returns a random number from 0-10 or in a range if specified | Default | !random number OR !random number 50 20 |
!r add {duration} {content} OR !remind {duration} {content} | Adds a reminder. Bot will mention the user after the specified duration with the given message | Default | !r add 24h update announcements OR !remind 24h update announcements |
!r clear | Clears all of the user's reminders | Default | !r clear |
!search {query} | Searches for usernames that match given query | Default | !search b1nzy |
!seen {user} | Returns the timestamp of when the bot last saw a message from given user | Default | !seen 351776065477279745 OR !seen @Speedboat#9599 |
!server [guild] | Returns information on the current server or the Server ID if given | Default | !server OR !server 290923757399310337 |
Configuration Example
utilities: {}
That's it. Simply enable the plugin. There is no further configuration for this plugin.