ModLog Plugin

The modlog plugin provides a mechanisim for logging various events and actions to one or more channels. The intention of the modlog is to provide a private feed of server events that administrators and moderators can use to better monitor and audit users actions. The modlog is extremely configurable, and thus fairly complex.


NameDescriptionDefault LevelUsage
!modlog hushDisables tracking of message deletes in modlogAdministrator!modlog hush
!modlog unhushRe-enables tracking of message deletesAdministrator!modlog unhush

Configuration Options

ignored_usersA list of user ids which are ignored in the modlog. This is useful for ignoring bots that regularly delete or edit their messageslistempty
ignored_channelsA list of channel ids which are ignored in the modlog. This is useful for ignoring private or high-activity channelslistempty
new_member_thresholdThe number of seconds an account is considered newint900 (15 minutes)
channelsMapping of channel names/ids to ModLog Configurationsdictempty

ModLog Configuration

includeList of modlog actions to include. If empty this includes all mod log actionslistempty
excludeList of modlog actions to exclude. If empty this excludes no mod log actionslistempty
timestampsWhether to render timestamps along with loglinesboolfalse
timezoneThe timezone that timestamps are rendered in. Supported timezones: (


CHANNEL_CREATEA channel is created
CHANNEL_DELETEA channel is deleted
GUILD_MEMBER_ADDA member joins
GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVEA member leaves (or gets kicked)
GUILD_ROLE_CREATEA role is created
GUILD_ROLE_DELETEA role is deleted
GUILD_BAN_ADDA ban is added
MEMBER_ROLE_ADDA role is added to a member
MEMBER_ROLE_RMVA role is removed from a member
MEMBER_TEMP_MUTEDA tempmute is added
MEMBER_MUTEDA mute is added
MEMBER_UNMUTEDA mute is removed
MEMBER_KICKA member is kicked
MEMBER_BANA ban (with a reason) is added
MEMBER_SOFTBANA softban is added
MEMBER_TEMPBANA tempban is added
MEMBER_WARNEDA warning is added
MEMBER_RESTOREA user rejoined and had their roles/nickname/etc restored
ADD_NICKA user adds a nickname
RMV_NICKA user removes a nickname
CHANGE_NICKA user changes their nickname
CHANGE_USERNAMEA user changes their username
MESSAGE_EDITA message is edited
MESSAGE_DELETEA message is deleted
MESSAGE_DELETE_BULKMultiple messages are deleted
VOICE_CHANNEL_JOINA user joins a voice channel
VOICE_CHANNEL_LEAVEA user leaves a voice channel
VOICE_CHANNEL_MOVEA user moves voice channels
COMMAND_USEDA user used a Speedboat command
SPAMA user triggered spam protection
CENSOREDA user posted a message that was censored by the bot

Configuration Example

        timestamps: true
        timezone: Etc/GMT-8
        exclude: []
        include: []
    ignored_users: [202217402635780096]
    new_member_threshold: 86400