Setting Up Speedboat

Adding the Bot

Message DeJay#1337, or join and post your request with the server ID and optionally an invite to the server in the #discussions channel. Minimum requirements may vary server by server, but any size Minecraft Community may get the bot on request. When accepted, you will be messaged with further instructions will be given. If declined, you may reapply if there is significant change to your server (more members, different topic, partnership, etc.)

How to Set Up

Once Speedboat has been added to your server, go to to edit your server's configuration. Use the sidebar to read about each plugin, then use the example below along with the information in the sidebar to set up your own customized Speedboat installation.

Below is a blank configuration example with many important plugins already setup. While you can simply copy-paste this to your own server's configuration and fill in the blanks to have a perfectly usable Speedboat, it's highly encouraged that you read through the full documentation to understand each component and customize Speedboat to your server's needs.

web: 000000000000000000: admin # Username 000000000000000000: editor # Username 000000000000000000: viewer # Username commands: prefix: '!' # You may also have multiple prefixes: # prefixes: ['!', '?'] overrides: [] levels: 000000000000000000: 000 # Role nickname: R0WB0AT plugins: utilities: {} admin: {} infractions: mute_role: 000000000000000000 modlog: channels: 00000000000000000000000: exclude: [] include: [] ignored_users: [] spam: levels: 0: punishment: TEMPMUTE punishment_duration: 120 max_messages: count: 10 interval: 7 max_mentions: count: 8 interval: 30 max_links: count: 10 interval: 60 max_emojis: count: 100 interval: 120 max_newlines: count: 60 interval: 120 max_duplicates: count: 5 interval: 30 censor: levels: 0: filter_invites: true filter_domains: false invites_whitelist: ['discord-developers', 'discord-testers', 'discord-api', 'discord-linux'] blocked_words: ['word1', 'word2', 'word3']